The Unconscious Mind is part of our 3-part mind: The Unconscious, The Subconscious, and The Conscious. Each part of our 3-part mind has a role to play in supporting our behavior and brain development. Our Unconscious Mind most closely resembles our animal instinct; our emotional reaction versus our soul-centered response.
How is our Unconscious Mind activated?
Our Unconscious Mind is activated through no longer having the capacity to emotionally feel, heal, and deal with the situation at hand, in the immediate moment. Have you ever had a moment in life where you lose all of your patience and just snap? Or maybe you're listening to music in the car and all of a sudden notice you've been singing for the last 60 seconds without really knowing or being fully aware of this? This is the work of The Unconscious Mind.
The question remains: Can we shift the energy within The Unconscious Mind, in order to make healthier decisions through our animal instincts?
I have answered this question and the answer is YES.
I am sure by now, most of you are thinking, "But how?"
This question can be answered with the help of our Subconscious Mind and our Conscious Mind. Over time, and through Perception Shifting, Mindset Work, and Mentality Development, we as human beings, have the ability and power to re-learn and re-program our mind through healthy, holistic strategies, such as Subconscious Diving. Through Subconscious Diving -- a technique Samantha has proudly created and developed -- one is able to explore their 3-part mind through structure, as well as freedom, gently being guided by Samantha's voice. Breath work is involved in this process, as well as key pieces from meditation and hypnosis.
A Subconscious Dive is designed to help the user discover the simplicity in all situations, granting ease to the process of feeling, healing, and dealing with. Through Perception Shifting, Mindset Work, and Mentality Development, we as human beings have the ability to perceive the world, ourselves, and ourselves in the world completely differently than how we once did. In doing this, we create more space, more time, thus leading to more energy within one's body, mind, and soul. More space and time to BE, to love, to rest, to discover your passions; to set your own pace of life.
I am Samantha E. Vax, and I am a Spiritual Doctor, Author, and Speaker